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About Us

Jubilee Resources run informative and equipping training courses & seminars in several countries, and have invitations to minister in over 40 nations. Training materials have been supplied to Christians in many of those countries.

We publish dozens of book titles, with many of our best-selling ones also available in e-Book, video & audio formats.

Jubilee Resources also bring vital Five-Fold ministries to our home nation of New Zealand. These tend to specialise in Healing, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare, Counselling and Personal Prayer Ministry, and Church Growth principles which have been shown to work effectively. Our desire is to see people come into full healing and wholeness, spirit, soul and body.

Many people are burdened with iniquities and curses. These are usually the result of personal or family involvement in various spiritual deceptions. These can include Freemasonry and other secret societies and lodges; cults, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Christadelphians, Spiritualism, and other spiritual cults etc.; and the Occult, including Wicca, Satanism and many "Alternative" health therapies which involve sorcery or divination. These are forbidden by God in the Bible, and that is why there are curses operating in many people's lives. The task we have been commissioned to is to educate people and provide steps to freedom from these bondages.

Fundamentally our purpose and calling is to bring people into a strong and healthy relationship with God our creator, through Jesus Christ His Son, and through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

This website has evolved during the past ten years. Because of the helpful articles and prayer guidelines, as well as the resources we sell, this website has exceeded two million hits in the past 3 years.

Jubilee Resources was founded in March, 1992, and it's growth has vastly exceeded our early expectations. We praise God for His favour and guidance.

As we all prepare for the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ in all His majesty and glory, let's help people experience His grace and mercy, healing and wholeness, and achieve their best potential which our heavenly Father ordained them for.

"Deceived people don't know
they are deceived people."

We don't claim to have all the answers; but, are happy to share what we have learned about these subjects over 30 years of study, research, and active ministry around the world. We don't pretend these materials will meet with universal approval, especially by those who are involved in any of these deceptive groups and practices. After all - who chooses to be deceived? Deceived people don't know they are deceived people. That is why we all need the objective standard of the Holy Bible in our beliefs and lifestyles.

May God bless you as you check out the Articles, Prayers of Freedom and Testimonies here, as well as the resources which we know will bless you greatly.


To Avoid Deception 

Most people who get into deception do so because they are Biblically illiterate - meaning they don't know what God says about issues. Go to the "FREE STUFF part of our web shop for a free down-loadable Bible reading programme. You can start at any date in the year, and in twelve months you will have read through the entire Bible. (It can't come out until it has gone in!)

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